Saturday, May 2, 2009

Playing Like a Broken Record

Life is seriously boring somedays. Like MAJOR boring. How the hell is a person expected to truly enjoy anything when we're constantly being told that we shouldn't do this, or we should do that, go there, be with, talk to.... I think you get the point. I've been so busy lately that I haven't really felt like I had a lot of time to do anything that I wanted to do and then when I do have some time for me I'm just way too tired to take advantage of it and end up doing nothing but watching re-runs of House and Numbers on TV. Granted I really like both of those shows but still, I'm sure you get it.

Of course between my writing, my reading and reviewing, my kids, my new jobs (gotta earn a paycheck somehow) and taking care of my house and yard, I'm just wiped by the time I've got two minutes alone. Everyday. And then, there's days like today when I spend what free time I'd been looking forward to, doing work for my Dad on the computer that took for bloody ever.

There's just always something. Always one more thing to do. It's like playing a broken record - no matter how many times the vinyl turns, or the disc spins as the case may be, everything just starts over again and again, and again, and again....

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